Wastewater Cost Study Committee
October 8, 2003
Members Present: Bob Smallidge, Charlie Pugh, Jim Bright, Brian Pollard, Ted Bromage, Anne Funderburk, Bob Cawley, George Peckham, Jim Robinson, Kathy Branch and Edith Dunham-arrived 7:41pm
Public Present: Mike MacDonald, Erma Smallidge & Liz Chapman
Call to order 6:45pm
Minutes of September 10 and 24 adopted as corrected.
Bob Smallidge will acknowledge receipt of letter from Mr. Asa Phillips.
Philosophical issues: Bob Cawley does not believe fixture options are saleable options.
Charlie feels that motion C should not be considered by itself and that motions A and B also be considered. Jim Bright believes we need to determine the funding options before deciding the sequence of the motions. Charlie feels that we need to have any funding options meet the requirements of motions A-C.
Ted B. motion to adopt motion A, seconded by Charlie. Passed, unanimous.
George motion to adopt motion B, seconded by Anne. Passed. Jim B. voted no. Brian abstained from vote.
Anne motion to reword proposed motion III-C to read: There are times when it is appropriate to have a fee for services rather than to pay through taxation. Seconded by George. Passed. Brian abstained from vote.
Bob Cawley motion that the water meters, fixture count and bedroom count is tabled at this time with no further action. Seconded by Jim B. Anne suggests that the fixture count not be tabled at this time. Brian is concerned that any consideration of fees being added to septic owners via increased taxes or any other means. Costs of O & M a septic and the wastewater treatment systems continue to increase and presently the septic users receive no relief. Charlie has a problem combining a fee to sewer users and relief to septic owners. We either do a fee that will be handled by taxation or find another means to compensate the septic owners. Ted feels that the concept needs to be fairly simple plan or plans in order to be acceptable t o the public. Bob S. suggests that the fixture count is now in use by the Water
district and appears to be acceptable to the public. The number of plans to be presented to the Selectmen, should they be similar or different? Ted B. does believe that our presented plans for the Selectmen be a model and ready to be enacted without immediate change. Anne would not advocate the fixture count removal from consideration at this time in the event it needs to be considered in combination with any proposal. Charlie feels that we should present one plan to the Selectmen for consideration. Brian feels that the plans presented by Charlie and Brian have many common factors and should be presented to the public via another hearing. George advocates that we devise two proposed plans for consideration by the Selectmen. Passed. Anne abstained from vote.
Brian recommends that we combine motions B & E as one proposal. Edith feels that A & B are very similar and could be combined. Brian and Charlie believe that the end result is to provide relief to the septic owners via payment based on expenses incurred with proper documentation. It is in the best interest of the Town to provide mandatory pump outs rather wait for the request from the septic owner. Brian also feels that they should only receive assistance is when expenses for O & M are incurred as well as necessary repairs. Ted has been pumped out this year for the first time in about 25 septic years and has contributed about $500 this year via his taxes to the wastewater treatment plants. Ted advises cost to the community to maintain and improve the treatment plants is increasing annually. Bob C. feels
that the insurance option or annual assessment plan be updated. How can we exclude any septic systems.? We need to limit the amount of money to be placed in the program, perhaps by placing a cap on the refund. Jim R. it is important that sewer owners maintain their systems. Jim R. feels that Charlie’s plan appears to be the fairest option and may be the easiest to implement. Anne has borne the expense of having her paved driveway and front porch taken off her house in order to have a new sewer line installed at a cost of about $5,500. Bob C. advises that from the septic owner house to their system would not be covered by the “insurance” type proposal. These expenses would be borne by the septic owners. Jim B. advises we are here to bring relief to the septic owners from the tax burden. Bob C. advises before we kill off the ‘insurance” type plan he wants to be certain that this will not deter adoption of other similar plans or part of other plans.
Brian is concerned that any refunds would need to be reported to the IRS and State and subject to taxation. Jim R. our charter is to fund the wastewater system and not provide insurance to septic owners. Edith does not believe it would be an easy task to decide refunds based on number of years owned, in use or when to enact the refund. Jim R. we are here for relief for the future and we cannot make amends for previous years. We need to move forward and not look back or allow history to repeat itself. Jim R. feels that the Town should not be involved in repairs due to the liability exposure to the Town. Jim R. and Anne this committee is formed to find a method to fund the costs of the wastewater systems. Charlie advises there is no method for septic owners to access the wastewater systems and a refund program is considered to offer relief to the septic owners. Bob C. said many towns offer sewer line extensions and the expenses are borne by the property owners benefiting
from any extension. Edith would like to contact Yarmouth
George motion that A be considered for active development and that B, C and E be eliminated. Seconded by Charlie. Passed with 8 votes Kathy, Jim B., Ted, Bob C., George, Charlie, Jim R., and Bob S. No-Edith, Anne and Brian. Voting Record of this motion is on file.
George feels that seasonal residents & businesses should only receive a refund based on their occupancy. Example Mount Desert Campground if open 5 months they receive 5/12th’s of the annual refund. Charlie’s plan is based on residential property only, not businesses. The seasonal residents create the majority of the higher valued properties thus resulting in our large percentages of county taxes, school funding, etc. He feels that the majority of the Town should support these services. Bob C. limiting payments to residents is possibly another form of permitting the wealthy to fund these services. Charlie feels that this should be limited to residential property and a dollar cap on the annual refund subject to periodic adjustment. Edith in support of Charlie that some of the
summer people would not feel excluded from a refund program. Ted asked if we have a median home value. Jim R. median is $191,000 and the average value is $250,000 for septic owners. Residents refund total would be about $84,000. Using .8% mil rate for the O&M portion in the tax basis at this time. Including capital the totals would be doubled or $168,000 in refunds monies. Bob C. recommends that we establish a cap with strict qualification guidelines. Bob S. feels that we there are political issues with refund plans. Charlie advises that the guidelines would determine the type of property that would qualify for refunds, such as seasonal or rental properties, etc. Edith is concerned that if businesses are excluded the public may not be receptive to this program. Ted advises that we have a limited number of rental properties in the Town of Mount Desert and the demand is greater than the availability. Mike MacDonald advises that the demographics are
changing in the Town. Properties are selling and are occupied by the owner a few weeks during the year and rented to others the remainder of the year. Anne inquired if the committee is prepared to consider all items under section A.
Jim B. motion to eliminate Article A, items 2 and 3 from consideration of Rural Wastewater Treatment Support Program. Seconded by Brian. 8 votes yes, 2 no Bob C. & Bob S., Anne abstained. Votes recorded and attached to WWCSC book.
Next Meeting Wednesday, October 15, 2003 6:45pm at Seal Harbor Community Center? or NEH Meeting Hall
Anne motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kathy. Adjourned 9:40pm
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Branch,
Recording Secretary